2023 Fall Forest Bathing Multi-Session Discount

2023 Fall Forest Bathing Multi-Session Discount

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Yasei Shinrin Yoku, or Wild Forest Bathing, translates to “absorbing the forest atmosphere.” This style of forest bathing is unique in as it incorporates wildcrafting, and includes a tangible understanding of the sentient forest.

Multiple sessions are encouraged since there is a “life-force” exchange: If we invest in the health and growth of the forest then the forest will invest in us – the medium of exchange is the life-force and that is when the healing benefits are truly realized.

Participants are introduced to the many spirit guides that dwell in the forest. Through the use of forest-based teas, meditations and soft exercises, we will explore the subconscious energies that connect the forest with the most ancient part of our soul.

Remaining two forest bathing sessions for $50, a $10 savings!

Guided forest bathing experience with an emphasis on holistic fall health at Samish Overlook
9 – 10:30 am

Guided forest bathing experience followed by sauna sit
Joined by labyrinth creator, Kristen The Red to create a custom altar space from items we gathered during the walk! The walk will end in the center of the labyrinth at the altar.
2 – 3:30 pm
*Walk followed by sauna sit (add-on) 3:30-4:30

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2023-12-10 @ 09:00 AM to
2023-12-10 @ 10:30 AM

Registration End Date


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