Explore Nature inspired practices, recipes, herbal monographs and more through shared knowledge from four seasoned wellness educators and leaders with teachings woven from the threads of Western Herbalism, Western Medicine, Medical Astrology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Eastern Herbalism, Earth Wisdom and more to support the seamless fusion of your internal rhythms with the flow of Nature.
This guide includes:
This guide was created by:
Emily Werner of Living Wild
Michaela Kascak of Barefood&Barefoot
Lindsey Walker of Mockingbird Remedies
Amanda Hitchcock of Earth Witch Wellness
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Serving NW Washington in-person and globally via Zoom.
This information is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute the rendering of or a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a healthcare professional. This information should not be relied upon or used as a substitute for a consultation with health, physical, physiological, mental, or other professional advisors. Anyone wishing to use this information should share it with his or her healthcare provider before embarking on any therapeutic program. It is your responsibility to discuss any alternative or natural remedy with your healthcare provider before using it to make sure it is appropriate for you.