1 hr. follow-up sessions dependent on your wellness plan
FOR RETURNING CLIENTS ONLY. If you have not worked with me before, please explore the options in the Mockingbird Remedies Paths to Wellness
*If you have had your initial interview through one of the Mockingbird Remedies Paths to Wellness, additional follow-up sessions can be added in order to be guided through more exercises/techniques, looking at the next goals on your horizon, creating new wellness plans, etc., on an ongoing basis:
Single Sessions: $150
5 Session Package: $650 ($100 saved)
After that we will check-in for goal refinement based on your wellness plan, or schedule more follow-up sessions
Refund Policy
Packages are refundable up to 7 days as long as you haven’t had any sessions.
Cancellation Policy
If a session has been missed or canceled with less than 24 hours notice, there will be a $75 fee. This policy allows me to reserve that scheduled time for each person so that I can serve everyone with an open heart and integrity.
Sliding Scale
Please contact me for opportunities for sliding scale.
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Serving NW Washington in-person and globally via Zoom.
This information is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute the rendering of or a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a healthcare professional. This information should not be relied upon or used as a substitute for a consultation with health, physical, physiological, mental, or other professional advisors. Anyone wishing to use this information should share it with his or her healthcare provider before embarking on any therapeutic program. It is your responsibility to discuss any alternative or natural remedy with your healthcare provider before using it to make sure it is appropriate for you.